Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Love Yourself

Todays post is going to be about something that has been bugging me for a long time. We see it everywhere, and I think it's time that we shared a little light on todays subject.. "Loving yourself".

Girls everywhere don't seem to love them self as much as they really should, they compare themselves to models, movie stars, singer and others. That's not right! You should not compare yourself to anyone else but yourself! You are beautiful, strong and perfect! These "perfect" girls we see on the TV, they are not real.
We are all different, and perfect in our own way. You can never look like someone your not.
I myself have been there at one point in my life, but I have learned to love myself, and there is nothing better than loving yourself.
God has made us all individuals for a reason, so don't go and spoil that perfection by wanting to be someone you're not.
- We are who we are, and no one should tell us anything different ... Embrace yourself, love yourself.
Time after time, I keep hearing girls everywhere don't love themselves, or feels less perfect, because another girl has something they haven't.. That's just something we have to try and deal with. But then again, it's ok to change what you want to change, because you need to, not because someone tell you, or wants you to. If any one ever tell you, you are not perfect, or you need to change.. Then slap that person, just slap them, and walk away like a boss.. (Ok you probably should NOT do that! haha). But.. We should never EVER take crap from anyone! Never let anyone drag you down with them, just because they aren't feeling ok with themselves.
- I'm not saying that I feel beautiful or love myself everyday. Because I don't, I get down now and then and feel like nothing is right. But that's ok. It's ok to know that you have imperfections.

Thanks for reading. Hope you're all well
xoxo .. Au revoir

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